Cover plaster footwear to be worn over plaster or similar rigid bandage. It can be worn immediately after application of the plaster because breathable. The sizes are the same as for standard shoes, with appropriately increased fit. The shape in symmetric

- Product code: 33536
- Units: 1 pc.
- Specifications:
• Max volume: 10 l_x000D_
• Flow range: 2 l/sec - 16 l/sec_x000D_
• Volume accuracy: ±3% or 50 ml whichever is greater_x000D_
• Flow accuracy: ±5% or 200 ml/sec whichever is greater_x000D_
• Parameters: FVC, FEV1, PEF, FEV1%, FEV25, FEF2575, FEF75_x000D_
• Made in PRC_x000D_
• CE 92/42 - EMC group I class B - protection type BF