The unique aspherical optic system eliminates corneal and iris reflexes. The illuminated area of the retina remains fully visible even in case of small pupil (bright light). BETA 200 has 6 diaphragms
Superior aspherical optics and 74 single-diopter steps
- unique optical system: HEINE optimizes the Gullstrand principle with aspherical optics (separation of illumination and observation beam).
Modern pocket ophthalmoscope with fixation star aperture. Excellent optics and best colour rendering in minimum size.
- XHL Xenon Halogen Technology. Concentrated bright light for perfect illumination
Modern pocket ophthalmoscope with fixation star aperture. Excellent optics and best colour rendering in minimum size.
- XHL Xenon Halogen Technology. Concentrated bright light for perfect illumination
With mPack battery integrated in headband, plug-in transformer, headband rheostat and 90° angled adapter. Same feature as 31753 with:
- LED technology: absolutely homogeneous, uniform illumination,
Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope with mPack power source, rheostat, transformer and 90°, angled adapter
- Super light weight Weighs: only 450 g
- Clearer, Crisper views: a new illumination system,